Testimonial - Andrew Whatley

Andrew Whatley

My experience in Moot Court at Cal State Fullerton was without doubt the most beneficial time I spent in my entire undergrad experience. I learned many things that just aren't taught at a sufficient level in the current college environment, namely confidence in public speaking, argumentation skills, and even professional etiquette; these were all things I learned in Moot Court. These are not skills that I could see myself getting through any other class or program on campus. In addition to the many great skills that I learned or strengthened through Moot Court, I made fantastic memories. To represent California State University, Fullerton in the Western Regional Moot Court Competition was a day I will never forget. When I was done with Moot Court, I felt like I could do anything I attempted if I only put in the time and effort. While that mantra may seem obvious, so many students today don't realize how true it is until they are forced to do it, and that is one of the great overarching lessons that Moot Court teaches you. The many alumni who formerly did Moot Court who come back to help the new Moot Court teams prepare is a true testament to how great this class really is. I hope to be able to continue to come back and help future Cal State Fullerton Moot Court teams prepare for competition so that they may have as fantastic an experience and unique learning opportunity as I had.

-Andrew Whatley, Moot Court 2008, Bachelor of Arts, Political Science 2009, Masters in Political Science 2012